Deface computer baseed test

Bahan-Bahan :
-Koneksi Internet

Langsung Saja Ke Materi

Dork : inurl:/panel/pages/login.php(Use Your Brain)
-inurl:/login.php inurl:/cbt
-inurl:/login.php intitle:ujian online
-inurl:/login.php intitle:cbt beesmart

Kalo belom dapat,Lu Belum Beruntung :V 

– CSRF Online(banyak di google)

1. Yang Pertama Dorking dulu dork diatas

2. Pilih targetnya,Lalu Tambahkan Exploitnya Dibelakang Pages

Contoh :

Menjadi : 


Kalo Targetnya "blank putih/warna putih kosong" berarti vuln.

3. Lalu kalo sudah dapat yang vuln,  kita masukan link target nya ke CSRF Online,

Untuk POST FILE pilih uploadfile, atau ketik aja 'uploadfile' lalu kalo sudah klik Lock!

4. Lanjut Trus Upload Shell, Klik Aja Choose file Lalu Pilih Shell Kita

Kalo Sudah Klik "upload"

Kalo setelah diupload ada tulisan sukses berarti berhasil shell telah diupload

5. Trus Gimana Cara Ngakses Shellnya?

Untuk Mengakses  Shellnya  Tambahkan: 
 /images/namashell.php atau 

Kalo berhasil maka akan muncul tampilan shell kalian.

Wkwkwk Kalau Sudah Kaya Gini
Kau Tau Sendiri  
Tebas Index Juga Bisa 
Nitip File Juga Bisa


Ingredients : -Dork -Internet connection -Coffee Directly to material Dork: inurl: /panel/pages/login.php (Use Your Brain) -inurl: /login.php inurl: / cbt -inurl: /login.php intitle: online exam -inurl: /login.php intitle: cbt beesmart -inurl: /cbt/login.php site: If you can't, Lu is not lucky: V

–Exploit /panel/pages/upload-file.php
- CSRF Online (lots on Google)

1. First Dorking first dork above .

2. Select the target, then Add the Exploit Behind Pages Example: http: / Become: http: / If the target is "blank white / blank white" means vuln.

3. Then if you have the vuln, we enter the target link to CSRF Online, To POST FILE select upload file, or just type 'upload file' then if you have click Lock!

4. Then upload the shell, click on Choose file then select our shell If you already click "upload" If after uploading there is a successful post, it means the shell has been uploaded successfully 5. Then how do you access the shell? To Access the Shell Add: /images/namashell.php or /picture/namashell.php behind If successful, your shell will appear. When It Is Rich Gini You Know Alone Tebas Index Can Also Nitip Files Can Also