cara deface take ofer github
Bahan² buat Masak
-Akun github Lo
- domain github :
- reverse IP onlen cek this out⬇⬇⬇
- HTTP status checker ⬇
- Siapin akun github Lo kimaq
- pergi ke reverse IP lookup
- Masukin Url
- nanti disitu banyak dns web web
- langsung pergi ke http status checker
- salin DNS DNS tadi , maximal 100 domain
Kenapa harus di cek? Karna ga semua domain status nya 404 , emang kenapa harus 404 ? Karna 404 itu yang bisa...
- cari status domain yang 404
- lalu masuk ke akun github , klik tanda + di pojok kanan atas , lalu klik "New repository"
- Repository Name nya lu isi pake nama domain web yang vuln *NOTICE : JANGAN PAKE HTTP:// CUKUP NAMA DOMAINNYA AJA , CONTOH :* , lalu centang tulisan " Initialize this Repository with ReadME "
- jika udah langsung klik create new Repository
- tahap selanjutnya , kalian klik " create new file " , nama filenya kalian isi index.html , terus isinya kalian isi script heked by kalian :'v awoakwowk
- jika sudah klik tombol hijaunya Cok!
- selanjutnya masuk ke menu settings , *bukan settings akun github lu!*
- isi REPOSITORY NAME nya dengan nama domain target kalean
-scroll ke bawah sampai ada tulisan github pages
- kalian cari bacaan " None " lalu kalian ganti dengan " master Branch " klik save...
- lalu custom domainnya kalian isi dengan domain target kalian juga
- Kemudian klik save , jika sukses muncul tulisan " your site is published at
- kemudian cek target lu ,
Material for cooking
-Akun github Lo
- github domain:
- reverse IP onlen check this out⬇⬇⬇
- HTTP status checker ⬇
- Ready for a github account Lo kimaq
- go to reverse IP lookup
- Enter Url
- later there are lots of DNS web webs
- go directly to the http status checker
- copy the DNS DNS, maximum 100 domains
Why should it be checked? Because not all status domains are 404, why should it be 404? Because 404 is what can ...
- search for domain status 404
- then enter the github account, click the + sign in the top right corner, then click "New repository"
- Repository Name you use using a web domain name that is vuln * NOTICE: DON'T PAKE HTTP: // ENOUGH THE DOMAIN NAME OF AJA, SAMPLE: *, then check the words "Initialize this Repository with ReadME"
- If you have directly click create new Repository
- the next stage, you click "create new file", the file name you fill in is index.html, then the contents you fill in the script heked by you: 'v awoakwowk
- if you click the Chocolate green button!
- then enter the settings menu, * not the github account settings lu! *
- fill the REPOSITORY NAME with the target domain name kalean
-scroll down until there is writing github pages
- You are looking for the reading "None" then you replace it with "master branch" click save ...
- Then the custom domain you fill with your target domain too
- Then click save, if the text appears "your site is published at
- then check your target,
Tara is grabbed: v
-Akun github Lo
- domain github :
- reverse IP onlen cek this out⬇⬇⬇
- HTTP status checker ⬇
- Siapin akun github Lo kimaq
- pergi ke reverse IP lookup
- Masukin Url
- nanti disitu banyak dns web web
- langsung pergi ke http status checker
- salin DNS DNS tadi , maximal 100 domain
Kenapa harus di cek? Karna ga semua domain status nya 404 , emang kenapa harus 404 ? Karna 404 itu yang bisa...
- cari status domain yang 404
- lalu masuk ke akun github , klik tanda + di pojok kanan atas , lalu klik "New repository"
- Repository Name nya lu isi pake nama domain web yang vuln *NOTICE : JANGAN PAKE HTTP:// CUKUP NAMA DOMAINNYA AJA , CONTOH :* , lalu centang tulisan " Initialize this Repository with ReadME "
- jika udah langsung klik create new Repository
- tahap selanjutnya , kalian klik " create new file " , nama filenya kalian isi index.html , terus isinya kalian isi script heked by kalian :'v awoakwowk
- jika sudah klik tombol hijaunya Cok!
- selanjutnya masuk ke menu settings , *bukan settings akun github lu!*
- isi REPOSITORY NAME nya dengan nama domain target kalean
-scroll ke bawah sampai ada tulisan github pages
- kalian cari bacaan " None " lalu kalian ganti dengan " master Branch " klik save...
- lalu custom domainnya kalian isi dengan domain target kalian juga
- Kemudian klik save , jika sukses muncul tulisan " your site is published at
- kemudian cek target lu ,
Material for cooking
-Akun github Lo
- github domain:
- reverse IP onlen check this out⬇⬇⬇
- HTTP status checker ⬇
- Ready for a github account Lo kimaq
- go to reverse IP lookup
- Enter Url
- later there are lots of DNS web webs
- go directly to the http status checker
- copy the DNS DNS, maximum 100 domains
Why should it be checked? Because not all status domains are 404, why should it be 404? Because 404 is what can ...
- search for domain status 404
- then enter the github account, click the + sign in the top right corner, then click "New repository"
- Repository Name you use using a web domain name that is vuln * NOTICE: DON'T PAKE HTTP: // ENOUGH THE DOMAIN NAME OF AJA, SAMPLE: *, then check the words "Initialize this Repository with ReadME"
- If you have directly click create new Repository
- the next stage, you click "create new file", the file name you fill in is index.html, then the contents you fill in the script heked by you: 'v awoakwowk
- if you click the Chocolate green button!
- then enter the settings menu, * not the github account settings lu! *
- fill the REPOSITORY NAME with the target domain name kalean
-scroll down until there is writing github pages
- You are looking for the reading "None" then you replace it with "master branch" click save ...
- Then the custom domain you fill with your target domain too
- Then click save, if the text appears "your site is published at
- then check your target,
Tara is grabbed: v