Cara Deface Bypas Admin

1. Silahkan kalian dorking di mbah google terlebih dahulu menggunakan dork berikut:
Login.php intitle:"admin login"
Login.php intitle:"admin area "
Login.php intitle:"administrator "

Note: kalian juga bisa menargetkan site pada negara tertentu dengan menambahkan keyword berikut:
Uk,id,in adalah kode domain sebuah negara.

2. Jika kalian sudah dorking silahkan kalian pilih salah satu web yang menurut kalian jomblo:v. Nah, disini saya sudah menyediakan live target ya yang vuln bypass admin.

3. Nah,jika sudah kalian pilih maka akan langsung masuk kehalaman login admin.

4. Nah sekarang kita akan mengeksekusi web tersebut agar kita masuk ke dasboard admin dengan cara membypass halaman loginnya dengan kode berikut.
Silahkan pilih salah satu kode bypass di atas (Tiap web beda kode bypassnya jadi harus coba satu-satu).lalu masukkan kode bypass di atas pada form input username dan password.

5. Jika kalian berhasil Memasukkan kode bypass yang cocok dengan webnya maka akan masuk ke dasboard admin dari web tersebut 

6Nah,sekarang tinggal kita cari tempat upload dah di web tersebut 

7Nah,jika shell berhasil ter upload sekarang kita panggil shell tadi.(jika kalian mengekse live target dari kami Mohon gunakan mini shell )

8. Jika sudah tinggal akses shell tadi

9.Nah sekarang tinggal kalian upload script kesayangan kalian dan terserah mau kalian tebas indexnya atau hanya nitip file.


1. Please dorking on google first using the following dork:
Admin.php? Id =
Admin / login.php
Login.php intitle: "admin login"
Login.php intitle: "admin area"
Login.php intitle: "administrator"

Note: you can also target sites in certain countries by adding the following keywords:
Site: uk
Site: id
Site: in
Uk, id, in is the domain code of a country.

2. If you have been dorking, please select one of the webs that you think are single: v. Well, here I have provided a live target that is bypass admin.

3. Well, if you have chosen it will immediately enter the admin login page.

4. Now we will execute the web so that we enter the admin dashboard by bypassing the login page with the following code.
'= "or'
'or "='
Please select one of the bypass codes above (Each web is different bypass code so you have to try one by one). Then enter the bypass code above in the input username and password form.

5. If you succeed in entering the bypass code that matches the web, it will go to the admin dashboard of the web

6Well, now we just have to find the upload site on the web

7Well, if the shell is successfully uploaded, now we call the shell earlier (if you expose the live target from us, please use the mini shell)

8. If you have access to the shell earlier

9. Well now you just upload your favorite script and it's up to you to cut the index or just nitip the file.