Kacamata Hitam Unisex Korean Desgin Besi Frame
Kacamata Hitam Unisex Korean Desgin Besi Frame

Rp 18.000

Bintang 0 Ulasan
Terjual : 0 Disukai : 0
Dilihat : 200 Stok : 100
②、With Radiation Protection
Product Materials:Metal Frame PC Lens
Glasses Size Data
The total frame width(mm):132
Lens width(mm) :48
Lens height(mm) :42
Width of the nose(mm) :20
Length of mirror leg(mm) :140

It can ensure safe and undamaged during transportation by wrapping the air bubble film.
Whether you have any questions, please consult customer service before ordering

We are glasses factory, if we have the style of the store you can send pictures We customize for you, you can accept the glasses of mass production orders!
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