
Rp 84.000

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USB FLASHDISK ROBOT 32GB /RF116 - 16GB/RF108 - 8GB/RF104-4GB Plashdisk Original Garansi Resmi
Flashdisk Robot Real kapasitas

Spesifikasi :
Robot Plashdisk Original Garansi Resmi RF104-4GB/RF108 - 8GB/RF116 - 16GB/ROBOT 32GB
Brand Robot
Quiescent Current 70mA
Working Current 100mA
Typical Capacity More than 90%
Speed Write speed: more than 6M/S
Read speed: more than 10M/S
Working Temperature 0~60C
Storage Temperature -20~85C

Operating Humidity Range Less than 75% RH
Storage Humidity Range Less than 75% RH
Pengenalan Produk
1. USB2.0 high speed: whrite speed more than 6M/S, read speed more than 10M/S
2. 360-degree rotatable, easy to use
3. Consist of matte metal and rubber paint, feel better and more durable
4. Shockproof, dustproof, plug and play, strong compatibility .

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