Fastboat Lombok-Bali-Gili
Eka Jaya
Fastboat Eka jaya merupakan salah satu fastboat yang sudah lama beroperasi di daerah Lombok - Bali dengan kapasitas penumpang 200 orang, jarak yang di tempuh bangsal ke Padangbai kurang lebih 2 jam, d
Rp 650.000
Rp 485.000
Free Bird Lombok To Amed
Freebird Express offer a highly rated daily service from Amed in the north east of Bali to the Gili Islands and Lombok. They have a new (2017) boat, the "Freebird Express 2" which they will operate
Rp 350.000
Golden Queen Lombok To Bali
FASTBOAT LOMBOK TO NUSA PENIDA, LEMBONGAN FASTBOAT GOLDEN Queen Golden Queen provides fast boat Bali to Gili Trawangan, Bali to Gili Air, and Bali to Senggigi. Now also provides sea transfer fro
Rp 450.000
Fastboat Lombok - Bali Transport Include
Fastboat dari bangsal ke Padangbai include transport to distination
Rp 400.000
Manta Express Bali Include Transport
A ticket for fast boat to bali and Gili island normally includes free pickup / drop off service in Bali between passenger’s hotel and the harbor for the hotels in most tourist areas, so the pas
Rp 400.000