
Teh Susu Panas

Minuman - The Wiis Coffee

Rp 13.000

Teh Dingin

Minuman - The Wiis Coffee

Rp 8.000

Teh Panas

Minuman - The Wiis Coffee

Rp 10.000

Air Mineral

Minuman - The Wiis Coffee

Rp 3.000

Susu Putih Dingin

Minuman - The Wiis Coffee

Rp 8.000

Susu Putih Panas

Minuman - The Wiis Coffee

Rp 10.000


Jus - The Wiis Coffee

Rp 15.000

Buah Naga

Jus - The Wiis Coffee

Rp 15.000

Jeruk Peras

Jus - The Wiis Coffee

Rp 15.000

Indomie Telur

Makanan - The Wiis Coffee

Rp 10.000

Indomie Goreng Telur

Makanan - The Wiis Coffee

Rp 10.000

Pisgor Ori

Pisang Goreng - The Wiis Coffee

Rp 15.000