Kuliner Pemalang

Chicken Katsu

Chicken katsu

Rp 21.000

Small Meat Lover

Smal meat lover

Rp 52.500

Mac And Cheese

Mac and cheese

Rp 29.400

Yummy Box A

Yummy box A

Rp 63.000

Yummy Box B

Yummy box B

Rp 78.750

Small Duluxe Cheese

Smal Duluxe Cheese

Rp 63.000

Kebab Jumbo Double Petty Sapi

Kebab jumbo double Petty sapi

Rp 17.850

Kebab Jumbo Double Petty Ayam

Kebab jumbo double Petty ayam

Rp 17.850

Kebab Jumbo Petty Sapi Keju

Kebab jumbo Petty sapi keju

Rp 14.700

Kebab Jumbo Petty Ayam Keju

Kebab jumbo Petty ayam keju

Rp 11.550

Kebab Jumbo Petty Sapi

Kebab jumbo Petty sapi

Rp 11.550

Keban Jumbo Petty Ayam

Kebab jumbo Petty ayam

Rp 11.550