Makanan dan Minuman

Ayam Goreng Lalapan MBC

Special ayam lalapan MBC

Rp 18.000

Juice Apple

Ice juice Apple

Rp 15.000

Juice Melon


Rp 15.000

Coffee Vanilla

Sensasi kopi dgn rasa vanila

Rp 15.000

Italian Soda

Ice soda yg fantastis

Rp 15.000

Lemon Tea

Ice and hot

Rp 15.000

Green Tea

Ice and hot

Rp 15.000


Ice or hot

Rp 15.000

Coffee Caramel

Ice coffe

Rp 15.000

Thai Tea

Ice tea ala Thailand

Rp 15.000

Cofee Regal

Ice coffe + regal

Rp 15.000


Ice coffe

Rp 15.000